  • Trips in Switzerland

    The Lighthouse

    A LIGHTHOUSE in the middle of the mountains, 2046 meters above sea level, is not a common tourist sight – or common in any sense at all perhaps. But, it’s there, inaugurated 2010 as a slightly smaller copy of the lighthouse at the other end of the Rhine at Hook of Holland near Rotterdam. The lighthouse has a revolving red light but is probably just…

  • Trips in Switzerland


    Rheinschwimmen (swimming in the Rhine) is a spectacular way to see Basel 🙂 You can do it individually all days during summer, or take part in the big yearly official Basler Rheinschwimmen, this year (2017) 15 August. To be on the safe side, always use a watertight swimming bag, we recommend the original from Wickelfisch, see link below, it keeps your stuff dry and is good to…